In this episode we are dealing with a fundamental part of running your brand in the current climate and that is how to utilize a particular area of social media, namely Facebook Groups. Things have changed over the years across social media platforms and the current system and algorithm on Facebook has resulted in a downturn for the use of Pages due to lack of reach and natural growth. This has led many businesses to turn to groups as a way to build community, connection and ultimately revenue. We chat about about naming your Group, the ins and outs of running it, content selection, moderation and much more. The episode rounds out on the topic of turning group members or groupies into customers, and ultimately making money. So join us and get your music brand growing and blossoming today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- The move away from Pages towards Groups on Facebook.
- Why should you have a Facebook Group for your music brand?
- The algorithmic changes that Facebook has implemented recently.
- The real purpose of starting a group on Facebook.
- Naming your Facebook Group around the culture of your music brand.
- How to run, limit and contribute to your Facebook Group.
- Laying out rules and making sure members see them.
- What to post and how to select content.
- The exciting new ‘watch party’ feature for Groups.
- Allowing others to post and moderately these.
- Turning groupies into customers, email lists and funnels.
- And much more!
“My goal here is to give you some quick strategies that you can implement and get started on right after this episode.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:01:16.6]
“If you don’t have these big threads going on then that tells the algorithms that the content isn’t interesting and it’s not worth showing more people..” — @LEAHthemusic [0:06:24.8]
“The purpose of building this group is all about building authentic relationships.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:08:49.2]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Savvy Musician Academy Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/onlinemusician/
The Super Fan System Elite Program — http://www.callsma.com/
Enya — https://enya.com/
Buffer — https://buffer.com/
Meet Edgar — https://meetedgar.com/