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I have a legitimate shop now!! I’ve always though this would be an overwhelming task but going through this section within the course made it simple! And I have to add that I actually have an email strategy and funnel. Still a lot to learn here but I’m at least on the path!!
Jason M Stallworth | Savvy Musician Academy Student

Happy to report I just made a bundle sale after starting my first product ads yesterday! Yay! Thanks SMA!
Anna Brozozowska | Savvy Musician Academy Student

From this course a win for me is getting my page likes up to 30k which kinda freaks me out in a good way, also becoming more focused on my music and knowing I can do this with all of your support. Knowing that I am not alone! I can’t wait to get my niche/micro niche nailed down!! FYI I had 14 k likes from the get go.
Kori Carothers | Savvy Musician Academy Student

WOW, where to start?? First – Just having this opportunity is a BIG win. I’d been feeling super blocked, stagnant and frustrated, so back in May I worked through Mastin Kipp’s Claim Your Power book that is a 40 day journey (LOTS of inner work and journaling). On day 25 our homework was to list mentors who were where we wanted to be, and no matter how inaccessible, to write them down… I think the following week or so I got Leah’s email with the Elite course application. I knew it was more than a mere coincidence 🙂 SECOND – FINALLY was able to describe in ONE sentence my culture and what i’m trying to accomplish as an artist/brand! This took SO much work, but I finally have it narrowed down so it won’t be confusing or ambivalent to my fans. THIRD – I actually feel the creative juices flowing again… songs in my head and heart waiting to be written, titles of songs and albums to come – it’s CRAZY! Feeling like I’m back on track.