Savvy Musician Academy is all about helping musicians live their dreams.
We believe there has never been a better time to be an independent musician because THE DREAM is achievable independently of corporate music labels.
The New Music Industry
The internet has leveled the playing field, so we can now connect directly with our fans in a way that was previously only possible with big money tours and marketing campaigns.
There are fans out there for every type of music, even for the most obscure the niches. Using modern technology and no-BS marketing techniques, we help musicians establish their unique brand online, and attract the superfans that are waiting to discover your music.
Ahead of the Curve
We create and learn new strategies, test them in the real world, and teach you what's working today to attract superfans and create a sustainable income with our music.
Even olympic athletes have great coaches behind them. We'd love to be your coach in your music journey.

Leah McHenry understands the real world challenges for every-day musicians because she is one.
Having started her music career completely backwards, she found herself learning the NEW music business long after she already started a family and was unable to tour. That wasn't going to stop her. Instead of being discouraged and believing the lie that she was "past her prime" and that "no one will want to hear music from a stay-at-home-mom", she let her obstacles become her fuel and determination.
Instead of studying the old ways of the music industry, she started studying what was working in online marketing and digital products for businesses around the world.
Leah sifted, sorted, and invested countless hours into this education, and discovered exactly what we could apply to the New Music Industry, as the Old Music Industry was dying.
The result of that endeavour was a 6-figure music sales machine, which she built strictly online, using a Niche Marketing approach.
Now, a few years later, Leah has five kids (and is still homeschooling them!), 120,000+ Facebook followers, has three studio albums, tens of thousands of highly engaged fans around the globe (even in her niche!), raised over $27,000 in a single crowdfunding campaign, and continues to earn a full-time living as an independent musician.
"It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business. I've had nothing handed to me, I've had massive challenges to overcome. I KNOW what is working for musicians right now, and I'm living proof that anyone can do this. I'm not someone who USED to be in the music industry, I'm in the trenches with you, still making music and learning as I go every single day. It's my mission to change the music industry again, and turn the tables BACK in our favor!"