Episode #024: How I’m Using Spotify Ads for a 6-Figure Album Launch


If you’re a musician who has been looking for clarity on how to approach Spotify, this episode is for you. Listen as Leah creates a Spotify Ad and highlights the features the platform offers artists to market their music.

Important Things To Remember

  • If you want to target multiple countries, you’ll need to purchase multiple ads.
  • Different audiences are on different platforms.
  • Always try to focus your ad to a granular audience.
  • Record your own audio for you ad. Put some energy into it!
  • Utilize Facebook Pixels by directing people to your website.

Revisit the Highlights

01:00 – Submitting a Song To A Playlist

02:30 – The Goal of Streaming Sites

04:00 – Spotify Targeting

05:40 – Spending Minimum

06:25 – Building the Ad

08:15 – Targeting Your Audience

14:15 – Making an Audio File for Your Ad

17:15 – Directing People to your Website

Call SMA

Leah McHenry

It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business.