On the show today we are breaking down how you can set out your year and goals to make better progress in your music career! This means having a broad outlook for the year ahead and then sectioning it off into quarterly chunks, ready to be accomplished! The conversation covers a few of the questions we have been receiving from the Facebook Group and the common themes from these and balancing achievable goals with ambitions that stretch your abilities and reach. From there we go on to discuss just how to go about the process of goal setting from the early stages to some of the specific and nifty tricks to give you the upper hand on your tasks. We talk brainstorming, resources, tools, deadlines, categories and a whole lot more. If you are struggling to get around to setting goals or whether you need help with measuring and completing your to do list, this is the episode for you!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Some of the questions we received over at the Facebook Group.
- The importance of putting yourself out despite the discomfort.
- Small and important lessons to take away from everything.
- Why should you plan for the year in advance?
- The starting point for planning.
- Brainstorming, whiteboards and getting the ball rolling.
- Giving yourself enough time and runway to accomplish your goals.
- Leah’s list of goal categories.
- The brain dump for each of your goals!
- Implementing gradual habits and how this can help you.
- Some tools to help you plan out your year and stay on track.
- Inspiring resources and the benefits you can accrue from reading.
- Quarterly deadlines and sticking to them!
- And much more!
“My starting point is I like to brainstorm, I just do a giant brain dump.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:15:11]
“I like to give a six month runway into any kind of a launch if possible. You start planning the album launch six months ahead of time.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:22:41]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Annual Planning Guide Download: https://savvymusicianacademy.com/tribe/resources/
Leah McHenry — https://leahmusic.net/
Leah on Twitter — https://twitter.com/LEAHthemusic
SMA Spotify Course — https://savvymusicianacademy.com/spotify/
Savvy Musician Academy Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/onlinemusician/
The Super Fan System Elite Program — http://www.callsma.com/
Bulletproof Coffee — https://blog.bulletproof.com/how-to-make-your-coffee-bulletproof-and-your-morning-too/
Crowd Funding Podcast Episode — https://savvymusicianacademy.com/15
Album Launch Podcast Episode — https://savvymusicianacademy.com/blog/24
Rocket Fuel — https://amzn.to/2I10mVv
The Synergist – https://amzn.to/2OUc9FD
The Synergist Quiz — https://getpredictablesuccess.com/styles-quiz/