The Online Musician 3.0
The Complete Step-by-Step, Self-Paced Course to Help You Build Your Music Career in 8 Weeks or Less
Without Labels, Advertising, or Touring

For Solo Artists, Bands & Composers Who Want to Build a Sustainable and Profitable Career NOW
Join the Revolution & Thrive In the New Economy
"I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from investing more than $200,000 in music marketing & business education PLUS everything I've done to make multiple 6-figures from my music annually, and boiled it all down to a program that is SIMPLE to learn and implement in record speed."
- Leah McHenry, Founder of Savvy Musician Academy

Build & Launch Your Online Music Career In 8 Weeks Without Labels, Advertising, or Touring
If you’re a musician, songwriter, or composer looking to make music your full-time living than you already know you need to build your music career online.
Thanks to the internet more musicians are making a living from their music today than ever before! Sadly, less than 5% of musicians ever successfully accomplish their dream of making music full-time.
There's a very good reason why, and it's not because your music isn't good.
The reason most talented, hard-working musicians are still broke today is because they believe one or all of these myths….

5 Myths Broke Musicians Believe… and What You Can Do About It
Myth #1
You need a label to succeed
This USED to be true, even just 10 years ago. But something unprecedented happened, which completely leveled the playing field. It’s called Napster (do you remember this?). It was the world’s first file-sharing app. Whether for good or bad, it changed the music industry forever. With the addition of Youtube, Facebook, and many other social platforms, the ability for fans to reach their audience completely removed the need for middle-men. Today, this is the first time in the history of the music business, talented & hard-working musicians can succeed TO A GREATER DEGREE without a label than with one!
If you’re still trying to get a record deal, let me quickly break down the pros and cons for you:
They have capital $ to invest
This is quickly becoming NOT the case! Many labels want you to crowdfund your own projects to validate the “demand” and also so they don't’ have to front it!)
They have contacts
True, many labels have been around for a long time and they know the right people to get you into the right festivals, or get you special promos. There are ways around this so that you don’t need a label, though.
Maximum Exposure
This assumes the label is actually doing a good job of marketing! The truth is that most labels today are COMPLETELY BEHIND when it comes to digital marketing practices. We’ve observed a complete lack of basic marketing knowledge in some of the most popular labels around. Here are SMA, we say they are still in the dinosaur age, based on what we see from them.
After considering these things, do you really think you still need a label?
Any $ invested in you is actually a loan that you have to pay back!
And usually that involves some serious terms.... and that’s where you end up trading your time for dollars, by having to tour and tour and tour just to make back that load. You don’t make much money at all until that loan is paid back... if that even happens!
You could lose your artistic freedom
You can spend all this time on your music, and the label can hear what you’re working on and decide it doesn’t like the direction you’re going in.
They don’t always deliver on their promises
They might not actually do everything they say they’ll do for your music career. I’ve met many artists who were so disappointed with what they thought was a good deal, only to find out it doesn’t do diddly squat.
You won’t make that much money after all
The labels take such a huge cut that you’re rarely going to be able to make a real living doing music with them. Unless you’re the next big superstar (and let’s be realistic: most of us are not superstars -- we’re everyday artists doing our thing and we want to share it with the world) it’s not even worth signing away the little you’d be making!
Myth #2
Independent musicians can’t make money
People believe this myth because we now live in a streaming and file-sharing era. With Youtube, radio, and digital formats, people think no one buys music anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth! The reality is consumers love to consume the music & products they love in multiple formats.
Physical music and merchandise is still one of the leading revenue streams for musicians around the world. Streaming enhances this relationship and plays a big role in our sales today! The key is to have a strategic plan that incorporates ALL streams of income, including digital & physical formats.
I built a multiple six-figure music career without touring, labels, or licensing deals all because she embraced the fact that people STILL BUY MUSIC from artists they support, and die-hard fans want everything you have, including all merchandise you make available!
If you think you need millions of fans to accomplish your dreams, you’re wrong. For example, in my last crowdfunding campaign, I raised close to $90,000 in only 30 days with less than 1500 fans! You only need to be “niche-famous” to a small group of fans who are CRAZY about your music.
Myth #3
You need to tour in order to be successful
The third myth is that you have to tour or play live all the time... or as many gigs as you possibly can to get exposure.
Now this one I really get. I used to believe that I HAD to tour in order to be successful, to sell any music, to get exposure.. and it’s just what musicians did!
Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with touring. HOWEVER... the more you understand the real costs of touring, you discover how LITTLE artists make and the payoff is really not what it used to be. Even popular bands have written about barely breaking even, and most lose money, even on a successful tour. Touring may have its purpose, but for 90% of bands, you will not make a full-time living with this method.
If your reason for touring is to shake hands and get your name out there, I can tell you there are FAR more effective ways to do this… and on a GLOBAL SCALE that pales in comparison to playing for 20 people in a dive bar (who are all scrolling on their phones anyway).
Launching your music career online is the way to do this and leverage your time and talent. Imagine gaining hundreds of new fans while you’re sleeping. That’s the power of The Online Musician at work.
Myth #4
I’m too old/fat/ugly/fill-in-the-blank to have a successful music career
Yeah, I used to think that too. After I had kids I certainly didn’t fit the supermodel package I used to see on MTV and I thought no one would take me seriously. The good news is more than ever, people want to connect with music that is meaningful to them, and they don’t care what you look like or how old you are. Just look at shows like America’s Got Talent or The Voice and you see incredible people of all ages, ethnicities and body types -- the crowds love them all! I’m living proof that even after having 5 kids and well into my 30’s -- you can still build a music career of your dreams. I’m living the dream and I don’t have to hold back because of a limiting belief I used to have.
Myth #5
All you need is good music
I agree 100% that good music is the absolute foundation and heart of why we’re here. No one is going to get anywhere with bad or mediocre music. Your music must be good. It must stand out. It must be excellent. Now, having said that, I’ve noticed there’s often a false mentality that goes along with this. It sounds like this:
“In order to become successful, you have to eat, sleep, and breathe your music 24/7. Play anywhere and everywhere 7 days a week. Do this for 5-10 years and then you MIGHT get noticed. And any other way is BS.”
That was an actual comment from Facebook! But you know what... what this guy described was the OLD way. That was how things were in the Old Music Industry. That’s the old-school way of thinking now and it will seriously limit you!
Now we have entered what I call the New Music Industry. This means new opportunity like never before! Never before have we ever had access to people at any moment in any country around the world in an instant. That is NEW.
Never before could you write a song, upload it to the internet, go to bed.... and someone across the globe in another world discovers you while you're sleeping... and buys your song, and becomes your fan. That is NEW.
This is an extremely exciting time we live in for musicians, old and young. There’s actually a market for EVERYTHING.
Every kind of music is wanted. Someone somewhere is searching for the most obscure niche music and wants to come across what you’ve just created.
And while the internet can feel like a huge ocean, and it is... If you do things RIGHT, you can seize an incredible opportunity to connect with the RIGHT fans who are already looking for your music.
Why Your Efforts Have Gotten You Nowhere

If you’ve ever believed one of those 5 myths, it’s no wonder you’ve been struggling. I was there!
I know exactly what it’s like to put so much energy into getting your music off the ground… and get absolutely nowhere. You’ve posted your music to Youtube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Spotify, and ALL the places. You have profiles on all the artist sites. You’ve tried Patreon, crowdfunding, and anything you could think of to try and raise funds, and you never got the traction you wanted.
You have social media accounts and you try to post as often as you can, but it seems like no one is engaging or paying attention. After doing so many things, you start to wonder if the truth is that you really just aren’t very good and maybe you should even quit…?
If any of that resonates, you are completely normal! This is so common and exactly why I created Savvy Musician Academy.
Why You Need To Become an Online Musician

You can stop waiting to be discovered
No more fantasizing that someone hears your track or stumbles across you at a gig, waiting for you with a magical contract in hand. You’re in charge of your own success. Success won't’ happen TO you, you’ll make it happen.

You control your own schedule
You decide when you want to work on music, how long, how often, and when you want to release a new album. No pressure to do anything from anyone! No answering to managers or industry people who don’t care about your personal wellbeing, health, or finances. You control what you want to do.

You control your own music rights
So important, but so overlooked. Too many musicians are so desperate to get signed, they completely shoot themselves in the foot with a bad contract. The appeal of being on a label completely clouds their reasoning. When you’re an online musician, you never have to worry about anyone controlling or owning your music. It’s yours, end of story.

Only tour if and when you want to
Tired of gigging all the time? Or maybe you’re a full-time parent or student and touring constantly is not realistic. When you’re an online musician, you call the shots. Maybe you want to do what I’m doing and really focus on having a recording career and building a fanbase worldwide… and then decide to tour later on (and sell out all your shows!). Never feel obligated again.

You get 100% financial benefit
When no one is taking a huge cut from your hard-earned royalties that’s 100% more for you to live on! The likelihood of you actually succeeding in your wish to have a full-time music career skyrockets! Every dollar counts when you’re a musician. When you keep what’s rightfully yours, that means there’s more for you to help out your family, get the dream gear you’ve been wanting, fund your own projects and invest back into your career - which will drive it forward even more!
If you’ve decided you want to become an Online Musician, that’s great! I applaud you -- that’s a fantastic decision.
I will warn you though: in making this brave choice, there are many places musicians tend to get stuck in the learning curve:
The project planning, the time management, social media strategies that actually move the needle, launching an album online, finding your niche, technology…. SO many things. How can you be an expert in all these things all at once??
What I would’ve given to have a clear-cut path & methodical strategy to get me where I wanted to go. It would’ve saved me YEARS of frustration, wasted time, money, and energy.
And that’s exactly why I created The Online Musician self-paced course. I created the entire steps & processes to go from creating my masterpiece to launching it online and making sales organically.
It’s everything I wish I had years ago, boiled down into simple, doable steps, and explained in a way you can completely understand and implement!
More information won’t do you any good. Implementing will.
The Online Musician isn’t just information. It’s a methodical program designed to help you implement everything you learn in a sequential step-by-step method.
At the end of 8 weeks, not only will you have a complete understanding of exactly what it takes to succeed as an online musician today, you’ll see incredible progress in everything from your social media following, your music sales, and your success mindset (which is responsible for all your future success!)
The Online Musician is the only program of it’s kind that…
Gives you teaching that will actually move the needle for you
If it hasn’t affected my bank account in a positive way, I don’t teach it. I don’t ever believe in filler or fluff. I only care about what really matters and will change your music career right now. We don’t have time to waste.
Comes with unprecedented support
We pride ourselves in the Savvy Musician experience. Not only will you get the education, tools, and resources you need to succeed, we make sure you are surrounded in the community and friendships that will truly take you to the next level. In addition, we provide top-notch support from our Savvy Success Team. Our motto is that no one will outserve us. Expect to be supported all the way!
Teaches what you need to know in a methodical step-by-step system
Lots of people have information, but few know how to “teach” in a way you can absorb and process the information and easily implement it. This happens to be my gifting (besides music). I’m can make complex and difficult concepts easy to understand and then I can help you figure out exactly the way you should implement it for YOU.
What You Will Get In The Online Musician 3.0

Clarity & A Roadmap
We'll help you determine what your goals are, how long it will take you to get there, and how to map out your entire year so you know exactly what you're doing and how you'll do it!

A Plan To Reach Fans
We focus on building a real brand that will outlast you. This means we focus on real brand-building concepts that move the needle, including your music culture, image, website, and message.

Tech How-Tos
If you don't consider yourself a "techie" - never fear! We are known for our easy to understand tutorials to show you each step of how to set things up, easy-peasy!

Help Along the Way
If you're worried about getting stuck, you're in the right place. You're on this journey for yourself, but not by yourself - our support staff, coaches, and community are here to support you!
What's Inside
The Online Musician 3.0?
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($5783 value)
(for when you want to license that cover song, etc.)

Because you’re dead serious about becoming an online musician and making your dreams a reality, Savvy Musician Academy is offering a special promo price for a limited time only.

One Payment

12 Monthly Payments

Our Guarantee
Our promise to you is to give you everything we possibly can to empower you to accomplish your music dreams. We've given you all the steps, all the tools, resources, plans, and even a community to crush your music goals online. Thousands of students have already done this before you. These principles work in millions of other online businesses around the world!
If for some reason you really think this doesn't work for you we will return your investment with a smile!
What students are saying...
Frequently Asked Questions
The Online Musician is designed to be a six-week program but it is self-paced so it could take longer or shorter.
Each lesson builds upon each other and is essential for long-term success, even if you're already experienced. For this reason, the course is spaced out so you have time to absorb and IMPLEMENT.
*It is recommended that you set 30 - 60 minutes aside each day to work ON your music business!
There are 4 different types of artists that will be right for this program:
The Just-Getting-Started Musician: You want to pursue your music seriously for the first time but you don't know where to begin. Perhaps you've written some songs but haven't really taken it to the next level. Now, you are ready to get serious about pursuing your music and you want a step-by-step approach that will work and get you results.
The Diving-In-Deeper-Musician: You may be a more seasoned artist who has been working the music scene for a while, but you know there is more opportunity out there. You want to learn how to better leverage the internet to really gain maximum exposure. You might even have a CD or two, but they didn't make a lot of sales, and you aren't sure why. You want to figure out a better strategy to build a buzz that will significantly increase your sales. Maybe you have enough of a fan base to do a crowdfunding campaign, but the idea of failure freaks you out. You need a road map to show you proven steps that lead to success.
The Changing-With-The-Times-Musician: You've been in the industry for a long time, you have done lots of live shows, but you are frustrated with the lack of sales and you are trading your time for dollars. You want to learn how to leverage the Internet so you can get global recognition and increase your fan base while you sleep. You like the idea of getting royalty checks every week from digital sales, but you aren't sure how to set that up so you can maximize your profits.
The Stay-At-Home-Musician: Music is in your blood but you can’t seem to find the time to fulfill your calling as a musician and make money doing it. Touring may not even be an option for you at this time, and you don't know if it’s even possible to be a successful musician—let alone make any money without touring—but you are determined to figure it out. You understand the power of the Internet, but you would love to have the steps, details and strategies in one place so you can quickly and easily navigate your future project and succeed as an online artist.
If you fall into any one of those categories, you will benefit immensely from this program!
Who this program is NOT for:
- Lazy people who don't want to work hard
- Someone who thinks everything should be free
- Negative Nellies and folks with a bad attitude
- People who think they know it all
- Someone who's already very successful in the music industry
Yes! Once you join, and make all your payments you are eligable for lifetime access.
Not at all. The course is structured over a period of 6 weeks, and all the content will be there for you to go over at your own pace. It is also accessible from any mobile device!
This is a program designed for you to go at your own pace. While Leah is active in the private Facebook group, we cannot guarantee personal feedback from Leah for each student. However, our support team is there to help at all times.
Yes, totally. You can make comments within the course itself, and our support team will be happy to help you. We strongly encourage you to really take advantage of the Private Facebook Group. That’s where you’re really going to get a lot of extra help and encouragement when you’re stuck—especially from other musicians who can speak to your exact issues.
**For a limited time, you'll be able to get version 3.0 for FREE if you purchase TOM 2.0 today!**
This will depend on your unique situation. Some of what you'll learn in the program can be applied immediately. Other things will require some research and work on your end. It will also depend on your personal goals, and we go through that process extensively in the program. You have to commit yourself to doing the work, and this might require you going through a lesson more than once. The first thing you'll do is record your current stats in the progress/success worksheet so you can watch your results in progress!
Yes, absolutely. If anything, you might benefit the most from a program like this. I’m going to teach you how to leverage the power of the internet to work in your favor around the clock. So playing live will really be the icing on the cake for you, and you’ll be able to extend your reach and your exposure massively through this training.
We also cover money and time-saving tips for an organized recording process. You will benefit from not having to think of 500 details. I've already done it for you.
Usually, this is because the information you are entering doesn’t quite match what your bank has on file. It could be a simple as your zip code not matching. For some users, it is due to the fact that we are in different countries and your bank may require your authorization for the transaction to be completed. You can call your bank to notify them that the payment is ok to proceed, Or use the Paypal option instead.
Yes. If you'd like to pay with PayPal, choose the payment option you'd prefer and select PayPal on the next page.
- We have a 30-day conditional refund policy (read our vision and commitment above). You must go through the training, do the assignments, implement what you learn!
- If you reach out within 30 days to show me that you’ve kept up with all the work (you have to show me proof!), you have quality music and for some crazy reason STILL haven’t seen any results, then I’ll be happy to return the investment. Keep in mind that my results and others used in example are not typical. Results take time, sometimes up to 12 months of consistently doing the work to see financial results as everyone is completely unique and there are many variables.
- DO have to do the work, be determined, don't give up, and you WILL get results. (often they are not what you expect)
- The Online Musician course is for musicians who are committed to learning and implementing new strategies into their music business, and NOT for tire kickers only interested in taking a look under the hood to see if they can get away without doing any work. No work = no success!
- And we will be strict on this last point—you absolutely must do the work and put the strategies into action to be eligible for a refund. (There are exceptions for things that happen that are out of your control and these can be addressed with our support team)
Please send an email to [email protected]

One Payment