Episode #027: How to Quit Your Day Job and Play Music Full-Time Pt. 1.


In this episode of the Savvy Musician Show we are joined by Daniel Coates from our very own Savvy Community. Daniel is a great example of someone who has taken some of the lessons we teach at the academy and applied them to making a living from what he loves, his music. Daniel is here to tell us all about how he did this and the unique way in which he applied these lessons to his own model and ambitions. We chat about the time leading up to his full time career switch and how he then managed to make the change to an international touring musician. Daniel explains his live shows and the marketing strategy that goes into planning these. He also gets into life on the road with his family and how he has built this into his career. For an inspiring conversation with someone who has successfully created a viable music career, be sure sure to tune in!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A little bit of Daniel’s backstory and how he made the switch to full-time musician.
  • The defining moment that forced Daniel to make his own way.
  • Daniel’s advice to someone trying make a living from their art.
  • Some information on Daniel’s live show and what it involves.
  • Daniel’s basic marketing strategy for getting people to attend his events.
  • The things Daniel tweaked to start making a profit from his music.
  • Touring with family and making that work on the road.
  • And much more!


“It eventually arrived and it arrived largely because of the information that you put together for us, that’s a huge part of it.” — @suntaramusic [0:08:46.2]

“I went to Portugal and I lost money and I went to Italy and I lost money because I did, I made some mistakes and I didn’t have enough events and I wasn’t doing this day workshop.” —  @suntaramusic [0:19:43.2]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Savvy Musician Academy Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/onlinemusician/

The Superfan System Elite Program  http://www.callsma.com/

Daniel Coates — http://www.suntaramusic.com/about/

Suntara Music — http://www.suntaramusic.com/

Suntara on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/suntaramusic/

Eventbrite — https://www.eventbrite.com/

Leah McHenry

It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business.