Episode #082: 2020 Annual Planning

The Savvy Musician Show

2020 Annual Planning - SMS082

The Savvy Musician Show         The Savvy Musician Show        
2020 Annual Planning - SMS082           2020 Annual Planning - SMS082          
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    Time to plan out your 2020! We’re making small steps toward big goals to push your musical career to the next level, and in this episode, Leah and C.J. discuss how to get intentional with your music business.

    We want you to do more than simply set goals. We desire for you to set achievable goals that still challenge you, and that means really growing this year as an intentional online marketer!

    In this episode, Leah reveals her own 2020 plan in light of the fact that she’s not releasing a new album this year. Will she be busy? What’s her focus going to be? Listen in and find out!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • Dynamics of a music business team
    • Annual planning session
    • Choosing a theme word for the year
    • Leah’s focus for 2020
    • Optimizing your sales
    • Getting intentional
    • The Map Your Music Guide
    • Writing and speaking life into your goals


    “I actually have a tagline that is the focus for at least the first quarter of this year in my team, in my music business, and that is analyze, simplify, and optimize.”  – @LEAHthemusic [0:12:08]

    “There’s so much you can do on the on and off year if you’re not releasing any music.” – @LEAHthemusic [0:12:21]

    “Don’t wing your life. Get intentional about living.” – @metalmotivation [0:17:00]

    “Plan and think big enough that you’re slightly uncomfortable with what you’ve created, but not so big that… I think you know in your gut when it’s just totally out of the realm of what’s reachable.” – @LEAHthemusic [0:21:01]

    “When it comes to your businesses, this is your kid, what you put into this is what you’re going to get once it all grows up.” – @metalmotivation [0:28:56]

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Book a Call With Us — http://www.CallSMA.com

    Map Your Music Year (PDF) — MapYourMusicYear.com

    Marcella Puppini (Elite Student) — https://www.facebook.com/marcellapuppiniofficial/

    Click For Full Transcript

    Leah McHenry

    It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business.