Episode #053: Why We Charge For Information


On today’s podcast, we get into the serious topic of why we charge for information we provide. In a world that is becoming increasingly entitled, some people do not always get why they have to pay for something like content. Today we give you a full explanation on why we give some information for free and others come at a cost. People wonder why they need to invest in their education when they can get it all on YouTube and off the Internet, but what they are forgetting is the immense trouble it is to sift through, organize and make sense of all the random bits of information they piece together. Paying for information, for somebody else’s hard-earned experience makes total sense when you consider the cost of collecting, curating and packaging all the information in a way that is easy for students to grasp – not to mention what those teachers have paid to gain the expertise they now use to teach others. In the broader sense, we talk about the importance of having the right attitude and a worldview that challenges you to do your part in order to be successful. This conversation is so empowering, so be sure to hear us out!

Key Points from This Episode:

  • Measuring the value of information according to the size of the problem it solves. 
  • Considering the potentially devastating repercussions of wrong information. 
  • The particular problem that Leah solves for people – helping them realize their dreams. 
  • The issue with free information: having to sift through everything to find something of worth. 
  • The problem with people who know very little but then attempt to teach others. 
  • The customer journey and how that relates to the free information Leah provides. 
  • A culture of free information and the sense of entitlement it produces. 
  • The importance of having a teacher who communicates well and maintains the right pace. 
  • How the evolution of education might cause expensive colleges to become obsolete. 
  • And much more!


“The way I see it people have zero excuse today to fail because of all the amazing information they have.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:05:33]

“I hope if I can get people results with the free information, they might consider working with me later on. That’s absolutely the truth.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:12:36]

“In the world of the information age it’s easy to assume or believe, because of the sense of entitlement being created by this information age, that all information should be free.” — @LEAHthemusic [0:26:07]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Join Savvy Musician Academy — www.callsma.com

Berklee College of Music — https://www.berklee.edu/

Click For Full Transcript

00:07 Leah: You’re listening to the Savvy Musician Show with Leah McHenry and this is your secret weapon for success in the new music industry.

00:22 CJ: Welcome once again to the Savvy Musician Show, this is CJ Ortiz and I am the mindset and branding coach for the savvy musician academy. Once again, I am joined by her eminence herself, the lovely Leah McHenry. So good to see you today.

00:38 Leah: Thank you, I’ve never been called ‘her eminence’.

00:42 CJ: You’re the queen man, queen of the empire. Doesn’t that abide with your culture?

00:48Leah: It does.

00:48 CJ: Big fantasy metal-y. You should be like used to that. Your highness, Admiral.

00:56 Leah: You know, when you come from a background of changing five kids’ diapers, you know, you don’t perceive yourself that way.

01:05 CJ: That has a way of humbling, in fact, I was telling my grown kids the other day, we were talking about that very thing and I said, you know what? It’s hard for me to take a lot of advice from somebody who hasn’t had kids and it’s not necessarily that because you learn so much more information, there’s just something about a reality check that you get.

01:25 Leah: That’s so true.

01:30 CJ: Speaking of raising kids, we’re going to be talking about some things because kids can be entitled Leah, this is a sort of more impromptu podcast that came out of an offline discussion that Leah and I were having. It has to do with why she charges for information. Now, a lot of you know that she gives a whole lot of her information out for free and of course, that’s what she loves doing but then, there are things that you have to pay for, of course, it’s the stuff.

We’re going to talk a little bit about that, what’s her philosophy behind it? What’s the reasoning behind her approach to all of this? Leah, we’re going to poke at your brain a little bit because maybe there’s a motive in there, maybe there’s something – you’re just out there to take everybody’s money or – 

02:14 Leah: Yeah, I’m greedy, that’s the real reason, right?

02:17 CJ: Rags to riches so that just made her greedy. No, not really. As we always do in the Savvy Musician Show, we like to talk about the students’ spotlights and I didn’t want to talk about a student, in particular, this time, I will in future episodes but dealing with the students as a coach Leah, this past two months, I had just a very unique position to be put in where I was even twice a day, doing one on one sessions with students just almost two months straight.

I didn’t anticipate that I was going to get that sort of response from what we offered back in the branding boot camp but what we offered back in the branding boot camp but it did. I’ve talked to musicians from all over the spectrum, all different genres and different levels of where they are in your courses and all of that.

But there were certain things that came before that was an encouragement to me in relation to really what Savvy Musician Academy is doing. That is that people, for the most part, are stuck over very simple things, okay? Things that when you and I hear about their problems or challenges, we think it’s very simple because we do these things all the time, we’ve studied these things, we teach these things.

They don’t know that though necessarily. But yet, the thing I found is that in all of the sessions that I had, Leah, there was tremendous turnaround but the information that they got that was such a turnaround was not anything overly complicated.

03:47 Leah: Right.

03:48 CJ: It was something that should have been staring them in the face but sometimes, the things that are the most obvious tend to be the most elusive. They were missing the boat. I say that because you probably seen this too. I say that because of what we’re going to talk about today. Is this idea of information? This information, let me ask you that, does information have value?

04:14 Leah: Well, I would say it absolutely does have value, however, it’s useless to you without application.

04:22 CJ: Right.

04:22 Leah: Without you utilizing it and putting it into action is information inherently valuable? I guess that’s a philosophical question. I don’t even know how to answer that.

04:34 CJ: It’s like your value is determined by the problem you solve. How significant is – well, let me ask you this, how significant was the information that you received when you first started out on your first album. You didn’t know much of anything about online marketing. How much, how valuable was that based on the problem it solved and the results it created.

05:00 Leah: When you put it like that, it’s everything. Think about what happens if you have the wrong information. Give the wrong information, that could cost you your life savings, it could cost you your life. I mean, what do people do with wrong information, they make wrong decisions and there’s a lot of bad consequences that happened with it.

That’s how I perceive it. With the right information and of course, all that comes with it, you know? Application of that information. With that, you’re unstoppable, what can stand in your way with that. The way I see it, people have zero excuse today to fail because of all the amazing information they have. That does bring us like why is some information free and why is some gated behind a payment or you know, some kind of transaction.

05:51 CJ: Yeah, I think that’s why the ancients would say, thou shalt not lie. Because the implication is that if you do, then people are going to build their lives on wrong information and that’s a terrible thing. Now, what’s the value of information that is true. Well, the most important kind of information is something that solves the problem, that’s why go to a doctor, right? That’s why you go to a lawyer.

That’s why you pay them more money than you pay the person who might fix your plumbing. It’s because the size of the problem that they solve and in your case Leah, you’re solving a significant problem for people. People, who have – well, what’s their problem? Their problem is they have a dream that eats a hole on the inside of them.

Frustrated because they want to be able to play music all the time, they want to write music all the time, they want to perform on a regular basis, they want to be paid for this. But the industry has changed, everything’s different now and so the one hope that they have to get signed by a record label may be gone or maybe they’re in some obscure genre somewhere and nobody would even give them record deal?

That’s a big problem for someone to have, that’s the problem that you had.

07:01 Leah: Yup.

07:02 CJ: For you, was all of the information that you needed that you use in your business today was all about information free?

07:08 Leah: Absolutely not. In fact, it was the free information that I found that prolonged the process for me. It prolonged it because I had to sift through it, sort it, I had to try and read enough and consume enough free stuff that I kind of could even discern what is BS and what’s not BS. Even by then, I mean, I didn’t know enough, at the end of that, to even have a good judgment of is this actually going to work, is any of this going to work?

At that point, that’s why I stopped studying the music industry, all the free information that I could find, all the YouTube videos, all the articles, all the different things. At the end of the day, nobody’s actually telling me how to do this and in especially in a sequential order that will get me to an end result, the one result that I really want and not only is the information out there scattered, conflicting, you’re going to hear a lot of conflicting opinions and that’s where it is, opinions.

It’s all in the wrong order, you don ‘t know, do I do this first or do this first? Do I release the album first or do we crowdfund first? Do I do this; do I do that? I don’t know. Then, how do I figure out what is the right decision for me? All of that becomes extremely overwhelming. I would say, the fact that I didn’t probably just start out studying digital marketing like I do now. That prolonged the experience.

I think I could have even done a whole lot more much sooner, much quicker had I – if I had a Savvy Musician Academy at the time, that would have rapidly sped up my process.

08:45 CJ: That’s true. That’s part of the value what you do is that you had to go outside of your own area of focus to get the principles from another place and then bring them, import them into and apply them to your particular case. You then became the unintentional expert, right?

09:05 Leah: That’s right, it was an accident, I mean, all the studying that I had done was never intended. I want to have a coaching business one day and where I sell information, that was never my intention. I think if you go into it without intention, I don’t know, maybe some people do but that was just not – it was definitely an accident. Then of course, I think what ended up standing out a little bit later too is my story is a little unique, right? 

You don’t often come across home school moms who are pursuing music careers and don’t tour, that makes it more interesting too.

09:38 CJ: Yeah, I think in your case, it’s a great example that there’s a real frontier aspect too – especially the creative industries now, now that they have been challenged by technology and so you almost have to customize things and you have to stay on top of things.

I think there are a lot of people going back to what you just said that especially in the marketing guru industry, who didn’t know anything about marketing and they’re just going in to learn a bunch of stuff so that they can turn around and create a business teaching something they have only known about for about a year.

10:10 Leah: Yes, I give all the other marketers a bad name because of that.

10:14 CJ: Yeah, you went through a lot, you spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to create what worked for you and you proved it not just with one album, not just with two albums, not just with three albums. Four albums. This is a proven system. In light of all of that and obviously, now that you know, you do have courses that you offer which are charged, you do have the elite group which I work with you in that also is a high ticket thing, it’s not like the course, it’s much more expensive, could you get so much more out of it. 

Then Leah, why would you give any information away for free?

10:58 Leah: It’s lead gen.

11:01 CJ: That’s a marketing term.

11:03 Leah: The truth is, it’s something called a customer journey, right? Like let’s be frank here, it’s called a customer journey where people buy from people they know, like and trust. If you’re in the marketing world at all, you’ll hear that over and over again, same with your fans. People will buy from the bands that they feel like they know, they really like them and they trust them, they trust even the checkout experience, is it trustworthy? Is my credit card safe? 

There’s that kind of trust and then there’s, do I like this person, do I feel like I want to support them? In marketing, the customer journey is people need to get to know you first. It’s like, are you going to propose to somebody on the first date? Probably not, you want to get to know them, are they the right fit for me? Sometimes it needs to be lengthy. Some people know that they want to get married after two weeks, some people have to wait 10 years, everybody’s relationship is different.

In the customer journey or the fan journey or both of them, the length of time is irrelevant, it’s the same process no matter what. People get to know you and there’s some kind of engagement where they’re either listening or consuming or your music or this podcast, consuming information or engaging in some manner and then at some point, the likelihood of there being a transaction is much higher.

Fans who have been listening to my music on Spotify for a long time, when I come up with my new album later this year, chances are very high, they will purchase it. Why we give away information for free is A, I genuinely want to help people and I sure wish that I had some access to that stuff when I was in that position.

I genuinely care. The other thing is that I hope if I can get people results with the free information, they might consider working with me later on. That’s absolutely the truth.

12:45 CJ: Yeah, you’re being honest about this because there is a familiarity that people have to obtain from you, they have to know, like and trust is the marketing terms we use. They have to be able to become confident in what you’re offering and the system that you espouse. Because again, as I’ve said before when it comes to you Leah, the thing I hear from people is they can’t figure out how she does it.

They just don’t know, they’re online too, they have a YouTube channel, their band has a Facebook business page. What is the secret sauce that she’s doing? Well, she’s spent thousands of hours as I said and thousands of dollars, learning these things.

Not just learning it from somebody else. Learning it, chewing the meat, spitting out the bone so that she could create some – her, as a musician. The intent was not to come out and create the Savvy Musician Academy, that was an afterthought. That’s been very successful and it’s helping a whole lot of musicians.

However, in this sort of space, the danger you now have Leah is that people then misunderstand this idea of free information, you’re doing it to help people get to know you, you’re doing it to help people period and to kind of bring them into your radar so to speak. Is there a sense of entitlement now that now anybody who teaches anything has to do it completely for free?

14:12 Leah: Well, I’m starting to think that that is what people believe and I certainly come across it a lot and yeah, part of me just wants to say, if you think, if you’re listening right now and you think that all information and coaching and courses should be free, I suggest you unfollow me right now. I suggest you unfollow this podcast, unfollow the pages, unlike, unsubscribe because that says so much about you, it doesn’t say anything about me, it says everything about you.

It says that you believe that everything is going to happen to you at no cost. You expect all the results with none of the work. That kind of person will never be successful and I don’t want to work with those people because they’re not going to be successful. 

I could give them all my courses for free, all the coaching, even one on one coaching and I guarantee you they would do absolutely nothing with it and I don’t want to work with those people. I come across way too many people who have that or even any kind of offer.

Even our students. If I come out with a new offer idea, I informally pull our students all the time or free Facebook group as well, we have a mix of students and nonstudents in there. People are so quick to say well because we’ve paid for something in the past, we should automatically get that for free. It’s like, what do you think this is? Do you think that this doesn’t cost us anything to put anything together for you?

To curate information, to study it, test it, we spend thousands of dollars on marketing every month and we’re testing, we’re putting stuff, I’m testing stuff and I’m spending thousands of dollars in my music business every month so as SMA.

We’re actually putting our money where our mouth is and do you think that those results should come free to you? Do you think that it doesn’t cost money to have staff and to provide the best support in this entire industry? Because I guarantee you, nobody will out serve us, that’s our motto, nobody will out serve us. None of that is free for us. It cost us money to provide that and people don’t get it, they don’t’ understand that this is a business.

This is a business where we serve you and the point of serving you is to help you get that result that you couldn’t get on your own, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast, you wouldn’t be consuming this free information because why would you need it? If you’ve already solved your own problem.

That mentality, I have a very low tolerance for, especially when I think of the investments I’ve made into myself to even – here’s the thing. The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know anything. I don’t know if that’s just me but the more you learn, the more you realize, holy crap, I know nothing and to acquire that information, other people’s experience and wisdom and to learn from their mistakes is absolutely priceless and when I come across entitled little whiners who want everything for free, I just think –

I actually don’t’ want you as a customer and I’d rather you go somewhere else.

17:11 CJ: Yeah. If you’re not willing to put skin in the game if you’re not willing to invest. If you don’t’ understand this concept of exchange, then that tells us all we need to know about how you’re going to handle things down the road. It’s funny, people, for example, I’ll see people commenting in the free groups that you have and they’re asking questions about the elite group, right?

They want all of this information, they’re thinking about it, et cetera. But they’re balking at pricing and – 

17:41 Leah: Yeah.

17:42 CJ: Things like this. It’s just – if you had any idea, you’re not looking at the right thing, you’re not looking at the result, you’re not looking at the thing that you want so bad because if you did, you would say, this is a very small – the more expensive thing is doing nothing, that’s the most expensive thing.

Because it means you’re just going to keep trying to piecemeal this together with the aggregates of free information that you find on a YouTube video here, blog over there, a podcast over here and you’re going to try and somehow figure this all out on yourself, you’re just determined to do it all by yourself. That misses the entire concept for the existence of wisdom.

People talk a lot about #truth online, tell the truth, he speaks, she speaks the truth, it’s not truth man, it’s wisdom. Wisdom is using the experience of the past, right? Somebody else’s past usually. So that your future can be a little bit brighter. Let’s use somebody else’s experience. I don’t have to live through five divorces Leah, to learn that it’s wise not to have a divorce. That’s not the way I want to learn.

I’d rather talk to somebody who’s had the divorce and tells me listen, you don’t want to go this way, man. I don’t want to go that way. Let’s learn from the experience of others but now you got this dynamic where there’s so much information available, right? Freely available so then what constitutes then the cost? Well, the cost is what Leah is just saying, curating information, organizing information because yeah, maybe you could piece together everything that she knows from the thousands and thousands of disconnected podcasts and blogs and videos out there, good luck.

19:33 Leah: Yeah. 

19:34 CJ: Good luck with that or get it very simple handed to you in a course outline, module after module specifically designed for the steps that you would need to take, all the software you would need to get and all of the support staff needed should you have any question about any of the one myriad of millions of little things that you are going to be learning. You are telling me that price is the problem? No, your attitude is the problem. 

20:01 Leah: Yeah, I mean I couldn’t agree more. I had a thought there for a second. The other thing that people don’t think about too is let’s say you can curate all of that yourself and even put it in order. Can you understand it and can you apply it in a way that is relevant to you right now? I think the other thing that people don’t realize is the teacher, who is the teacher? Can this person teach and explain and communicate in a way that I can absorb it that I can process that information and then break it down into bite-size pieces where I can actually go and implement it in an organized – There is another word I like, in an organized sequential – what is another word for sequential?

20:44 CJ: An outlined fashion, right? Step.

20:46 Leah: Yeah that’s right. Can they apply it in an organized step by step way that’s very simple and gets them to that end result? So that is the other part. So yeah, you can probably over a period of years go and curate a lot of this information yourself but it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do anything with it. So that is the other part of it as I took lots of courses, lots of marketing courses like all the big names out there. 

I started really getting a taste for what makes a good teacher and what is not a good teacher and some of them are my personal preferences but I certainly learned there are some people who go way too fast and just assume you already know everything they are talking about and you’re just like, “Whoa that just went completely over my head. I don’t know even know what they are talking about now and now I feel lost and now I feel like I can’t get there now.” 

And there are other people who move at a snail’s pace and you’re just like, “Come on” and you are fast-forwarding it to the videos and you’re just like, “Please, get to the point. What’s the thing I need to know?” and so I developed a preference for teaching style without really knowing it and it’s a little bit in my DNA and my dad was a principal of a private school and a history teacher and so it is a little bit in my DNA and he was always really good at explaining complex things in simple terms.

He was really good at that so I inherited that from him and yeah, I just realized that over the years our students would tell us that, “Leah was able to explain this in a very easy to understand manner. It doesn’t go too slow. It doesn’t go too fast. I am able to implement it” and I break it down and I also really love providing other complementary assets to go along with the information. So I really like workbooks. I really like stuff where you put pen to paper and you’re working stuff out.

I love digital tools as well and some of those things and just being able to decipher between what is busy work and what is actually going to move the needle because hey, I have been in the same position and that’s one of those things because I am doing it, I don’t have time to mess around. I don’t have time for BS. I don’t have time for fluff just tell me what I need to know to move the needle and so that is what all our courses are based around and that’s why you are paying for it. You have to. 

23:07 CJ: Exactly. This is so funny because I edit a lot of my own videos for example and the stuff that I do and so I use Adobe Premier in software or Adobe Edition for some of the audio stuff. So sometimes I need just simple things, a simple question answered, “How come I can’t pull up the caption thing?” so I am going to go to YouTube and just do a simple query for that “how to” something but having it done it so many times now using this particular software the thing I keep coming up against. 

And I would never mention it had you not just said what you said but I’ll get in my query a ton of different videos all addressing the same thing but the thing that I realized is, is how hard it is to find someone that I can A, understand whose audio is good, who is not from Pakistan, who is not talking super-fast or all of the things you – 

24:02 Leah: Someone who gets to the point. 

24:03 CJ: Yeah, so then you find that one guy or gal, who’s got the nice little video intro and they are not going too slow. You can see their desktop and they’re moving, they’re showing you and here is another option you can do to do it this way and the video, I look at the videos only five minutes long and I pull up something about how to open captions for example and I could see a video time that says 17 minutes, no. We’re not going to spend 17 minutes on that.

So if somebody who is A, gifted, enabled and capable of teaching they understand the importance of how the information is delivered, all of these things, ladies and gentleman, go into information sharing, information marketing. So the first thing is to be thankful Leah even gives a damn because she could just be using this to sell her own music and not have to bother with anything. There’s no reason. I don’t have to do this, I’ve got people who argue with me on my motivation on this. So I’m like, “Hey guys, I don’t have to be here” okay? 

25:03 Leah: That’s right, no one is forcing me to do this. I don’t have to do this. 

25:06 CJ Yeah, you are not paying me so I don’t need to be here and so be thankful there are people like Leah who are willing to go through this much effort and come on man, you got somebody who just said her motto is “nobody is going to out serve us” that is something to brag about. That is something to really invest in but what we’re most proud of is the fact that we go above anybody else or try to go above anybody else to give them the service that they provide.

And believe me guys there is stuff I deal with, with students in the elite group that I don’t even mention to Leah. Not bad things just going out of my way to help them answer questions about a little headline that they’re writing or what their graphic looks like or their opt-in ad or how to get more engagement on their Facebook page. It’s maybe going to take me five minutes of my time but no, I am going to give them to them and I am going to ask – 

25:59 Leah: You’re pouring into these people. 

26:01 CJ: Yeah. 

26:01 Leah: You are still investing into them. 

26:03 CJ: But that is the vision that is the mission statement. That is the objective here so in the world of the information age, Leah, it’s easy to assume or believe because of the sense of entitlement being created by this information age, that all information should be free and the only reason why you’d assume that is because – I mean could you imagine what it takes just to pull off one cable news network episode? It may be 30 minutes long but you calculate everybody that’s involved just the time they have to do for animation, just the time they have to do for – 

26:38 Leah: If I could bring up another thing too and this touches a little bit on politics, which I don’t normally do on this show but there is a growing group of people who also believe that all higher education should also be free you know? That all universities should be free. Well everything should always be free. The government should literary provide everything for everyone and nobody should have to pay for anything and there’s some simple math that hasn’t been taken into consideration. 

You know unfortunately we have a monetary system, people have to get paid, people need to feed their families and as you said, people saw bigger problems in other people. The guy deep-frying French fries is not solving the same problem as a brain surgeon and they need to be paid with their worth and so why shouldn’t all universities be free and in some countries they are, some higher education is free and again this is going into a different realm I don’t normally go into.

But I don’t hide the fact that I am very libertarian and my fans know that too and I don’t go there often but I think it is important to address. I think this is in the culture, this is not prevalent in the world view and people’s attitudes and it affects their own ability to be successful. So you have to address it so what are your thoughts on the whole, “Why isn’t all education free?” 

27:57 CJ: Well I am so glad you asked. Well, I went to art school and graduated years and years ago but it was expensive because it was a private institution, right? So it is a four profit institution, trade type school and it cost at that time $24, 000. Now I graduated in ’92 from there so you do the math. I think it is three or four times that amount now if you were to go to that very same school, take the very same thing that I did.

Well I had a pretty sizable graduating class and I am friends with students of that class that I had graduated with, my alumni, and I’ve only been able to count maybe three or four that actually did anything with their degree. Everybody had to endure the same hours of homework and class time but only a small, small few actually did anything with what they learned me being one of them. Well here’s the lesson. They paid $24,000 if they paid their school loans back. $24,000 in an education that they did nothing with. What will they do with an education that’s free? 

29:18 Leah: Right, they got no skin in the game.

29:21 CJ: None so – 

29:22 Leah: Right, what do people do with their high school education if you went to a public school, did you do anything with that? 

29:28 CJ: Right, exactly but I think there is something to be said here. I know you don’t want to get this on a political depth, but I think there is something we can say just about the concept of how you view how life should be and a lot of that comes down to the world you grow up in, the culture and the society that you grow up in and so when you, for example, you go to kindergarten when you are five and you know the public school graduate when you’re 18, go to college for a few years.

Back in my day, you left college, you got one job for a big company and retire at 65. You got the golden watched and played golf. I mean that was the world view that was given to you when you were young and so everybody is following suit, right? They are just following with what they’re told. They are not really thinking outside of the box. The most important thing that you have is self-government. The most important thing that you have is the fact that you can make decisions for yourself.

As I like to tell my people all the time, if you are telling me it is up to me you are giving me good news. You say it’s up to me but somebody else it might probably scare them to death because they have learned to depend on the environment. They are the true environmentalist. They believe that if you change the politician or if you change the policy or you make another law that somehow everything is going to be better. No, they’re not realizing that. 

No, change starts right here with you and I. So to me, the less I have to deal with bureaucrats or institutions or anything else the better off I am. Give me the information I need and I will figure out how I need to do it my way and so even for example in the courses that you teach, you are not telling everybody to do everything exactly your way in the sense. In other words, you have to copy all of her posts or say things exactly the way she does.

No, you have to customize things for your culture, for your audience, for your genre of music but you are going to be equipped with the principles that are going to get you there and that is what you pay for and what we are saying is, it takes so much to do that and it is more than just trying to create a balanced economy so that everybody’s got a job. No, it is the issue of value just like anybody who is listening to this podcast Leah is yeah, they might come over and help you and I do something at our home but you ask them several times to keep coming over and they are going to start charging you, you know

32:03 Leah: Yeah and for the argument that people make, the university and courses and education are way over priced in the States and I think there is an element of truth to that. I mean the debt that people are racking up is absolutely incredible. What’s really cool is the internet age. That is the solution. I’m at events where I am speaking to people who have been to Berklee College of Music and spending between 100 and $200,000 on their music education, which just blows my mind.

And here our programs are a fraction of that price and what they’ve been able to build with what we are offering. That is the solution that is what this internet age is doing. The education space is revolutionizing the overpriced college courses, right? And unless you have to go to some kind of specialized trade like doctors and brain surgery and that kind of thing, a lot of it will be I think become obsolete. I think even public schools will become obsolete over time because of the incredible information and courses and things that kids have access to now. 

That is why we are doing homeschooling me and my son, he’s 13. He just turned 13 and he told me, mom, my dream – he is very clear about this, “I want to have an animation company. I want to have an animation team and a studio” I mean what 13-year-old knows that in public school? I mean there’s the odd ones, right? But this has become the norm. So I don’t want to hear complaints about our course prices. Go to Berklee and spend a $100,000 and then come back and tell me that my courses are expensive. Bullshit.

33:38 CJ: Yeah, exactly. I mean that’s the point, guys. This is not a justification, this is an explanation. There’s nothing that needs to be justified here. If anything, those who expect everything for free that needs to justify that position because that certainly didn’t build the world we live in and you can’t just go down to your local electronics store like Best Buy and say, “I’ll take this for free please” no. You will normally get arrested.

I can’t go into a pub and say, “Well isn’t tonight’s drinks for free? I mean I come here all the time and spend my money why wouldn’t this be free?” You know? Okay, exactly so you might have taken one of Leah’s courses but the next course on Spotify, guess what? There is a charge for it. Now, you might get a little discount here and there and get a special offer. You have the timeline to get that done and that’s about as good as it is going to get but if you take someone – 

I mean that is what I love buying books off the shelf and it says, “$17 for this book” and I say, “Wow here is somebody who is going to give me 30 years of their study life experience for 30 bucks.” 

34:40 Leah: Wow, right? Yeah, it’s crazy.

34:43 CJ: So I feel like I need to call them, find out who the author is, call them on the phone and say thank you and you say, why? Because you gave me such a deal. So guys, it really is all about outlook and it is about attitude. It is about your mindset and those who are committed to success they understand this. Leah like you said, you hate to have to say this but yeah, if you do want to do it and serious and you’re ready to get more invested in what Leah is doing. 

And get that music business that you’ve always wanted then this is the path that you need to take. So Leah, what do they need to do today? 

35:22 Leah: Well and one last point here is like in our elite program, when I say “no one will out serve us”, I mean that to the 10th degree or the Nth degree in the elite program. We are at the point now even if you are not in elite, if you join any one of our programs you are going to get a phone call from us. We are going to call you and say, “Hey, how are you? How can we serve you? Where are you at in your music business right now?” and we want to double check that you even got into the right course. 

We want to make sure that you are in the right place because somehow people sign up for things and that wasn’t actually a good move for them. They should be in a different one or something like that. We want to make sure that we are actually serving you. We bring the human touch back into it. We love the internet but it does not replace relationships and so we are really serious about bringing the relationships and in the elite program, we’re calling you. 

We check in on you. We hold your feet to the fire. There’s group coaching. There is faces. There is human interaction where we really hold you accountable. So that is worth an incredible amount of value and so if that is something you need, then you definitely need to go and book a call with us and see if that’s what you need to move your career ahead and get to that finish line whatever it is that you are headed. So you can go to callsma.com and book a call with one of our amazing coaches and we’ll see if and how we can help you. 

36:44 CJ: Awesome. So do that today and listen guys, do us the favor and so many of you have been doing it as of late. We have been reading some of the reviews of the podcast, Leah. They have been awesome. So I think we did a lot of this today. I think they are going to walk away with a better understanding even so if we are just correcting some attitude mindset then maybe it will change somebody from entitlement to investment thinking. 

And they are going to change their trajectory from here on out. So it is always a good thing but you guys can do so much for us by helping us by going and leaving a review. Give us five stars, help other people find this podcast too, wherever it is on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, even all the hotspots but that would mean so much to us. Leah, thank you again for teaching us. 

37:30 Leah: Well thanks for listening guys. It’s a pleasure. I love doing this, so we’ll see you next time. 

37:36 Leah: This episode was sponsored by The Super Fan System Elite Program here at Savvy Musician Academy. If you are looking to scale your existing music business and you are looking to get into advanced digital marketing such as email marketing, funnels, ecommerce, Facebook ads and more and you are looking to build a real profitable online music business, book a call with our team at www.callsma.com. We would love to speak with you for about 30 minutes and see how we can help you. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast for more episodes and we’ll see you next time. 

Leah McHenry

It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business.