Episode #003: How I’m Planning a Multiple 6-Figure Music Year


Treat your music like a business and get business-like results.

Nobody feels like waking up before the sun to go to the gym but when you make a decision and then follow through, eventually you see the results. The same can be said about your music career. If you wait on inspiration to plan the business side of your music career, you’ll be waiting a long time and you’ll be broke even longer. That’s why Leah walks you through WHY you should plan, and also HOW you should plan while using her own music career as the example.


  • Get help!  You can’t (and shouldn’t) do it all on your own. Get help with graphics and web design. Get help with your merch.
  • Your revenue goals should make you uncomfortable.
  • Set your goals and reverse engineer them to give you your daily action steps.
  • Writing your plan down gives you vision and motivation.
  • Big goals create actions, actions create progress, progress makes your business happen.


Why take time to plan?

3:25 – Get direction and a clear path

4:33 – Every Action must have clear purpose (even experimenting)

5:00 – Keeps you motivated

6:00 – We need a target

6:34 – We need a big goal

How should we plan?

7:55 – Set annual goals

9:12 – Setting revenue goals – The goal should make you uncomfortable

14:05 – Set project goals

18:00 – Set release goals

18:45- Setting quarterly goals – Turn quarterly goals into a to-do list

Helpful tools to help you get organized:

Evernote, for notes on the go

Asana, for team management

Google sheets and Google Docs for planning and budgeting

Leah McHenry

It's become my absolute obsession to find out what will make musicians successful today. In the face of many obstacles, and in the vast sea of the internet, we have an opportunity that has NEVER been available to us in the history of the music business.