Spotify Now Allowing Musicians to Sell Their Merch From Their Artist Profile

Huge news that affects all independent musicians: Spotify has teamed up with Shopify to allow musicians to sell their merchandise right through the Spotify platform! We’ve been waiting for this day for so long and now we finally have a way to monetize all that streaming traffic and get them onto our music shop.


5 Biggest Mistakes Musicians Make Online (and how to fix them!)

How I went from $0 in music sales to $1000 to $5000, to $10,000 and beyond… Most people want to shortcut. They want to reap all the rewards without putting in the risk and the work to get there. That’s like signing up for a gym membership and thinking that you should automatically have abs in a month. Ha!


The difference between making $0 month and $10,000 with your music

How I went from $0 in music sales to $1000 to $5000, to $10,000 and beyond… Most people want to shortcut. They want to reap all the rewards without putting in the risk and the work to get there. That’s like signing up for a gym membership and thinking that you should automatically have abs in a month. Ha!


Are the New Facebook Updates the Apocalypse for Musicians?

  If you’re a musician, artist, or content creator and you pay attention to what’s happening on Facebook and your page, you’ve likely seen your engagement and reach drop dramatically over the past several months. It’s no secret that Facebook has been reprioritizing the newsfeed to encourage more interaction from friends and family rather than…


Top 10 Social Tools for Musicians That Helped Me Build a 6-Figure Music Business

 There’s a million-zillion tools and apps out there, and 99.9% of the time, they don’t actually move the needle for us musicians. This is a list of my top go-to tools that I constantly use that DO SOMETHING to help grow my music business. Some of them are big, some of them are small –…

Savvy Musician Academy, the online musician, Leah mchenry, facebook for musicians, music career marketing, music industry education

Do you know what your NICHE is?? Live video chat.

Live chat on Facebook about how to find your music NICHE so you can stand out on the internet.

Savvy Musician Academy, the online musician, Leah mchenry, facebook for musicians, music career marketing, soundcloud

Why I Recently Deleted My SoundCloud Account

You might be thinking to yourself, “What the heck, Leah? Why would you do that?” Β After all, there areΒ 175 MILLION SoundCloud users, and ten million of them are music creators.

So why on earth would I limit myself and my ability to give all these users access to my music?

Savvy Musician Academy, the online musician, Leah mchenry, facebook for musicians, music career marketing, music industry education

Why finding your musical NICHE is the difference between failure & success online

One of the most frequent questions I get is,Β “Leah, how do I get my music to stand out?”Β 

That’s a VERY good question, and the right one to ask, now that we’re in the digital age of the internet, streaming, Spotify, and the like.

Savvy Musician Academy, the online musician, Leah mchenry, facebook for musicians, music career marketing, getting facebook fans

The 3 biggest MISTAKES musicians make on Facebook (and how to fix them)!

If you’re a musician, singer, songwriter, composer, or even an industry professional and you are NOT using Facebook to build a fanbase, you are missing out BIG TIME.


2 Things Unsuccessful Musicians Won’t Do

Musicians ask me all the time, “Leah, how the heck do you find the time and energy to pursue music with such a busy life?”

I’ll tell you exactly how.

Savvy Musician Academy, the online musician, Leah mchenry, facebook for musicians, music career marketing, music industry education

Transform your present and future in the next 7 days!

Join the Free 7 day music marketing challenge



Leah Mchenry

Leah McHenry understands the real world challenges for every-day musicians because she is one.

Having started her music career completely backwards, she found herself learning the NEW music business long after she already started a family and was unable to tour.

Leah now spends her time continuing her own music career while applying the real-world marketing strategies herself, and is also dedicated to helping other independent artists do the same.